课程名称 | 英汉/汉英笔译 | ||
学 院 | 565体育 | 专 业 | 英语565体育 |
学 分 | 2 | 学 时 | 34 |
课程性质 | 565体育核心课 | ||
课程内容 简 介 | 本课程属于565体育核心课程,在翻译565体育、英语565体育知识体系中处于中段偏后位置,以示例、演练、实训为主要教学手段,旨在让学生夯实专门翻译技能,熟练掌握各种翻译策略,具备扎实翻译实践能力,成为能够承担主要文类翻译任务的专门人才。课程主要内容包括英汉两种语言各种正式文体的互译操练与讲评。要求学生通过这门课程学习培养起在规定时间范围内合格完成一定长度、指定内容的英汉两种文本的翻译。 | ||
课程目标 | 思政目标:强化学生跨文化意识,关注英汉语言差异,提升文化自觉与文化自信,不断提升汉语语言文化修养,提高在翻译这一跨文化交流活动中的语际转换能力,讲好中国故事。 知识目标:了解翻译的基本学科内涵、基本原则、翻译评价标准、翻译策略、翻译步骤;英汉两种语言的特点和差异,翻译方法和翻译策略。 能力目标:具备较好的翻译实践能力;能将英语文章译成汉语,内容传达准确,句子通顺,语言流畅;能汉语篇章译成英语,做到用词得当,句子连贯,符合英语语法规范;能翻译有一定难度的英汉语报纸、杂志、书籍中的文章,以及节录的小说、散文、戏剧等文学原著,速度达到每小时300~350个词;能独立承担一般用人单位的英汉/汉英笔译任务 素养目标:培养自主学习能力,并具备利用现代化工具有效地查阅资料,获取知识的能力;通过翻译项目的管理,提高译者素养以及团队协作能力 | ||
教学案例 设 计 | 教学案例设计(1) 一、教学内容:被动句译法与长句译法 二、育人元素:译者素养、职业意识、语言美育和现代翻译观 三、翻译案例(原文及译文): Buried beneath a sand dune, in the beach town of Beidaihe, nestles one of China's newest art galleries. An offshoot of the Ullens Centre for Contemporary Art in Beijing, 300km away, the UCCA Dune is unlike any other cutting-edge art museum in China. Most are high-profile architectural statements, erected in the middle of bustling cities. The Dune is subtle and secluded, its galleries unfolding against the backdrop of the sands. Interdependence with the landscape and the local community is at the heart of the Dune's purpose. It aims to be sustainable ecologically as well as financially, and to help protect the environment rather than destroying it. "Our work was not just to design a physical structure,"says Li Hu of OPEN Architecture, one of the overseers of the project, but to "dream up an entirely new type of institution." Mr Li wanted to create a gallery that was not "juxtaposed"to its environment but"merged into it". Instead of placing the museum on top of the dunes as was originally planned, he decided to bury the building beneath them to preserve the coastal ecology. The structure is heated by geothermal energy; its walls and windows and the wooden tables in its café were handmade from local materials, a tribute to the craftsmanship of the Hebei region. Because the museum is lit naturally by skylights, visitors' experiences of the artwork will vary with the seasons and time of day. The Dune's interiors are meant to cultivate an intimacy between viewer, work and space. "Going to a museum in China often feels like going to a shopping centre,"says Mr Li - an experience of rushed consumerism, typically characterised by large crowds and smartphone selfies. By contrast, the Dune's subterranean galleries invoke the caves in which the most primitive human art was first daubed. The design was inspired by Louis Kahn, a 20th-century American architect who envisaged museums as a "society of rooms", which foster interaction and encourage people to slow down. Given the isolated location, visitors will have to make a deliberate "pilgrimage to the art", as Mr Li puts it, rather than just a hurried urban fly-by. "After Nature", the inaugural exhibit (created by Luan Shixuan), focuses on a pertinent subject: the future of humanity's relationship with the natural world. Each of the nine contemporary Chinese artists in the show engages cleverly with the space that their work occupies.Visitors standing in front of Liu Yujia's "Wave",a digital diptych featuring aerial footage of waves rushing against the coast,need only to turn around to find themselves looking out at the Bohai Sea.Beyond a glass door lies Zheng Bo's "Dune Botanical Garden", a work of bio-art made of transplanted local weeds that also functions as a museum garden. Nearby stands "Destination", an installation by Na Buqi, which comprises an overturned billboard advertising an eerily photoshopped beachside getaway. Ms Na's contribution is a wry commentary on the museum itself. Its location, Beidaihe, is well-established as both a summer retreat for Beijing's political elite and a popular beach resort for domestic tourists. Cranes crowd behind the dunes, supervising construction work by Aranya, a Chinese developer that also funded and built the museum. Much as the Dune wants to attract visitors, a big influx might threaten its sustainable vision: like that forlorn billboard, a picture-perfect ideal risks being compromised by the double-edged forces of consumption. 词汇注释 After Nature 后自然 coastal ecology 海岸生态 geothermal energy 地热能 inaugural exhibit 开幕展 pilgrimage to the art 艺术朝圣 OPEN Architecture OPEN建筑事务所 rushed consumerism 快速消费主义 smartphone selfies 智能手机自拍 subterranean galleries 地下画廊 Ullens Centre for Contemporary Art 尤伦斯当代艺术中心 参考译文 在海滨小城北戴河的沙丘之下,埋藏着一家中国最新的艺术馆—UCCA沙丘美术馆。它距离北京300公里,是北京尤伦斯当代艺术中心的分馆。中国的其他高端艺术馆大部分以高调的建筑表现形式,仁立在繁华的市中心。而与之不同的是,沙丘美术馆则低调而隐蔽,其所有画廊倚靠沙滩铺展开来。 沙丘美术馆的建造主旨是将其与自然景观及当地社区互融,并致力于实现生态和经济的可持续发展,从而帮助保护环境而不是破坏环境。“我们的工作不仅仅是设计物理结构,还梦想打造一种全新风尚。”OPEN建筑事务所的李虎(沙丘项目的负责人之一)如是说。 李虎想要创建的画廊,并非只是“陈列”在周围环境中,而是“融入”其中。他没有像最初计划的那样把博物馆建在沙丘上,而是决定把建筑埋在沙丘下,以保护海岸生态。建筑采用地热加热,墙壁、窗户以及咖啡馆里的木桌都是用当地材料手工制成,这也是河北地区手工技艺的结晶。由于博物馆利用天窗自然采光,因此游客对艺术品的体验也会随季节和时间的变化而变化。 沙丘的内部设计旨在建立参观者、作品和空间之间的亲密感。“在中国,去博物馆就像去购物中心。”李虎表示。他认为那只是快速消费主义体验,其典型特征就是一大群人用智能手机自拍。相比之下,沙丘美术馆的地下画廊则让人联想起原始洞穴里人类最早的艺术涂鸦。该设计灵感来自20世纪美国建筑师路易斯·卡恩(Louis Kahn),他将博物馆设想成一个“房间社会”,用以促进互动,鼓励人们慢节奏。李虎说,考虑到其地处偏远,参观者们将不得不进行一次深刻的“艺术朝圣”,而不仅是一次匆忙的城市飞掠。 “后自然”UCCA沙丘美术馆开幕展由奕诗璇策划,其关注的主题是:人类与自然世界关系之未来。展览中的九位中国当代艺术家都巧妙地利用了其作品所占据的空间。刘雨佳的《海浪》是数码双联画,以海浪冲击海岸的航拍镜头为特色,参观者驻足其前,只消转身便可以眺望渤海。一扇玻璃门旁的是郑波的《沙丘植物园》,这是由移植的本地杂草制成的生物艺术品,也可以用作博物馆的花园。娜布其的作品《终点》则安放在旁,作品包含一块翻倒的广告牌,上面是一张过度美化过的海滨度假照片。娜布其作品的贡献在于其映射了博物馆本身。博物馆所在地北戴河,既是北京政治精英的避暑胜地,也是深受国内游客欢迎的海滨度假胜地。沙丘美术馆后面都是起重机,由中国开发商阿那亚监督施工,该公司也参与出资建造了这座博物馆。尽管沙丘美术馆很想吸引游客,但大量游客涌入可能会威胁到其可持续发展的愿景:就像那块被遗弃的广告牌,一个完美无瑕的理想可能会被消费的双刃剑所侵蚀。 译文分析: 1.Buried beneath a sand dune, in the beach town of Beidaihe, nestles one of China's newest art galleries. An offshoot of the Ullens Centre for Contemporary Art in Beijing, 300km away, the UCCA Dune is unlike any other cutting-edge art museum in China. Most are high-profile architectural statements, erected in the middle of bustling cities. The Dune is subtle and secluded,its galleries unfolding against the backdrop of the sands. 在海滨小城北戴河的沙丘之下,埋藏着一家中国最新的艺术馆—UCCA沙丘美术馆。它距离北京300公里,是北京尤伦斯当代艺术中心的分馆。中国的其他高端艺术馆大部分以高调的建筑表现形式,伫立在繁华的市中心。而与之不同的是,沙丘美术馆则低调而隐蔽,其所有画廊倚靠沙滩铺展开来。 分析 句子结构类、增词减词类 本段小句众多,信息零散,还包含多种句型结构如介宾短语构成的地点状语、过去分词短语作状语、独立主格结构作状语等等。在翻译时如果顺句直译,那么整段信息就会比较杂乱无章、表述混乱,且各句之间的逻辑关系也会非常松散。因此,此处可考虑将整段信息整体重组,先理顺段落主旨信息和各句间的逻辑关系,然后再将各句语序进行适当调整及增词减词以使译句衔接顺畅、表述清晰。比如,第一个句子如果直译为“埋藏在海滨小城北戴河的沙丘之下,坐落着一家中国最新的艺术馆”,显然是不合适的,尤其是“bury”和“nestle”二词在汉译时需要有所取舍,或译为“在……下,埋藏着……”,或译为“在……之下,坐落着……”,则更符合汉语表达习惯。 2.Interdependence with the landscape and the local community is at the heart of the Dune's purpose. It aims to be sustainable ecologically as well as financially, and to help protect the environment rather than destroying it. 沙丘美术馆的建造主旨是将其与自然景观及当地社区互融,并致力于实现生态和经济的可持续发展,从而帮助保护环境而不是破坏环境。 分析 句子结构类、语言措辞类 考虑到第一、二句之间的语义和因果关系,此处可采取合并译法,并通过增译“并/其”和“从而”来将两句译为一句,从而使译句更为简洁明了、逻辑清晰。另外,基于两句合并为一句的目的,为使前后句衔接顺畅,可将原句第一句中的表语成分译为译句的主语,即“沙丘美术馆的建造主旨是……”,不仅可以与后句自然衔接,还可使译句的语义重心更为突出。需要注意的是,句中的"interdependence”和“purpose"二词原意分别为“相互依赖/依存”和“目的;用迷",而此处则需根据上下文语境来斟酌选词,如适当引申为“融入;融合”和“(建造)主旨”,既能做到忠于原意,又能使语言措辞更加契合文本主旨。 3.Mr Li wanted to create a gallery that was not "juxtaposed " to its environment but " merged into it". 李虎想要创建的画廊,并非只是“陈列”在周围环境中,而是“融入”其中。 分析 句子结构类、语言措辞类 本句包含一个“that”引导的定语从句,如果将其前置翻译为“……的画廊”,则定语修饰语部分过长,不符合汉语的表达习惯,因此可将英语原句拆分为两个小句分开来译,即:Mr Li wanted to create a gallery;(the gallery)was not "juxtaposed" to its environment but "merged into it"。需要注意的是,"juxtapose"原意为“并列","merge"原意为“融合;合并”,汉译时应根据上下文语境恰当选词,如将"juxtapose"译为“陈列;摆放”,将"merge"译为“融入”,则比较符合文本中的语言搭配逻辑。 4....an experience of rushed consumerism, typically characterised by large crowds and smartphone selfies.… 那只是快速消费主义体验,其典型特征就是一大群人用智能手机自拍。 分析 词性转换类、增词减词类 本句中包含一个过去分词短语构成的后置定语成分,因句式过长,不适合译为前置定语作"consumerism”的修饰语,因此可考虑将该小句单独翻译。其中,动词"characterize"(以 为特征/特点)译为名词“特征;特点”,并增译“其”以衔接前后句。另外,该小句如果译为“其典型特征就是一大群人和智能手机自拍”,在语义和逻辑上似乎稍有不妥,因此此处可省略英语原句中的"and",并将句子译为“一大群人用智能手机自拍”,则更为合乎表达逻辑。 5.By contrast, the Dune's subterranean galleries invoke the caves in which the most primitive human art was first daubed. 相比之下,沙丘美术馆的地下画廊则让人联想起原始洞穴里人类最早的艺术涂鸦。 分析 词性转换类 本句中的动词"daub"原意为“(随意)涂抹;乱画”,但此处如果将句子直译为“……让人联想起洞穴里最原始人类艺术最早被涂抹”,显然会语义不通、表达生硬。因此可考虑将“daub”译为名词“涂鸦;涂画”,并成为“invoke”(联想)一词的宾语,如“让人联想起……的涂鸦”,在表达上会更为顺畅些。 6.Ms Na's contribution is a wry commentary on the museum itself. 娜布其作品的贡献在于其映射了博物馆本身。 分析 语言措辞类 本句的关键是"wry"一词的理解,其愿意为“扭曲的;歪曲的”,但此处如果将"a wry commentary"译为“贡献是对博物馆本身的歪曲评论”,那么在措辞上未免太过犀利和强烈,也不符合语境和语义。因此此处可适当弱化语气,将"a wry commentary"译为“映射;反映;挪输”,其效果会更好些。 四、教学过程: 1.导入部分 讲解被动句译法与长句译法相关的知识点:
本次课围绕被动句译法和长句译法进行了讲解。长句和被动句的翻译一直是学生翻译实践中的难点。课堂首先引导学生针对复杂句子的成分进行分析,引导学生认识到造成长句的原因有三方面:1.修饰语过多;2.并列成分多;3.语言结构层次多,故学生需要根据汉英语言各自的特点,在翻译时进行成分之间的对等处理和适当转换。更重要的是,学生需要学会复杂句子的规划处理。课堂从变序法,断句译法和合句译法,文化词语的归化译法等角度进行了综合讲解。课程选取的练习是反映中国文化的材料。本次课上学生听课态度认真端正,经过讲解后,学生在练习的过程中,能较好的结合课程中讲解的理论知识和翻译技巧进行翻译实践。但在翻译相关文化负载词的过程中,学生遇到了较多的困难,故后续课程需要进一步加强相关知识点的讲解,提高学生翻译文化负载词的能力,增强学生讲好中国故事的翻译实践能力。 教学案例设计(2) 一、教学内容:汉英词汇比较与翻译 二、育人元素:译者素养、文化自信 三、翻译案例(原文及译文): 2022年的北京冬奥会将使用位于北京市区、北京西北部的延庆区和合办城市河北省张家口三个赛区的26个竞赛场馆和非竞赛场馆。2019年底前通车的高铁将把三地连接在一起。所有冰上比赛项目将在北京市区的竞赛场馆举办,在13个冬奥会场馆中,有11个曾在2008年北京奥运会期间使用。 国家游泳中心即“水立方”是2008年北京夏季奥运会的重要遗产之一。这里将举办2022年北京冬奥会的冰壶比赛。水立方将打造一个场地可转换的溜冰。肀⒎。 去年4月,国家速滑馆开工建设。速滑馆位于北京奥林匹克森林公园规划范围内,被称为“冰丝带”。“冰丝带”占地8万平方米,可容纳1.2万人。这里将举办2022年北京冬奥会速滑比赛。22条各自成行的灯光冰链(丝带)环绕在椭圆形场馆的外围,代表着速滑比赛的速度和赛道。在晚间,冰链灯光闪动,成为灯光丝带,呈现出变幻莫测的灯光效果,形成一番壮观景象。“冰丝带”的冰面达1.2万平方米,将成为亚洲最大的滑冰场。在2022年冬奥会结束后,“冰丝带”将全年向业余滑冰者开放。公共滑冰场面积将达1万平方米,在冬奥会建筑遗产之外又增添了健身用途。 词汇注释 场馆venue 高铁high-speed railway 国家游泳中心the National Aquatic Center 水立方 Water Cube 冰壶curling 冰立方Ice Cube 国家速滑馆 the National Speed Skating Oval 建筑遗产architectural legacy 参考译文 Beijing 2022 will use 26 competition and non-competition venues in three zones downtown Beijing, the northwestern Yanqing district and co-host Zhangjiakou in North China's Hebei province, connected by a new high-speed railway to be completed by the end of 2019. In the downtown zone, where all the ice-based sports will be held,11 of 13 venues were used during the 2008 Summer Olympics. The Water Cube, or the National Aquatic Center, a key legacy of the Beijing 2008 Summer Olympics, will be turned into a competition arena for curling during the 2022 Games. The National Aquatics Center will be repurposed from Water Cube to Ice Cube with a transferable rink. Sitting in the Olympic Forest Park, the National Speed Skating Oval, dubbed the “Ice Ribbon”, began construction last April. The oval will cover 80,000 square meters and hold a capacity of 12,000 people. The oval will stage speed skating races at Beijing 2022. Twenty-two separate light strands (or ribbons) flow up and around the oval, representing the speed and trail of this sport. At night, the facade will create an exciting spectacle, with each of the strands becoming dynamic ribbons of light, able to change to an endless array of lighting programs. Its 12,000-square-meter ice-covered areas will enable it to become the largest skating facility in Asia. The new speed skating oval will be able to serve amateur skates in all seasons after 2022 with a 10,000-square-meter public rink, also a fitting addition to the architectural legacy of the Olympics. 重点解析: 1.2022年的北京冬奥会将使用位于北京市区、北京西北部的延庆区和合办城市河北省张家口三个赛区的26个竞赛场馆和非竞赛场馆。2019年底前通车的高铁将把三地连接在一起。Beijing 2022 will use 26 competition and non-competition venues in three zones:downtown Beijing,the northwestern Yanqing district and co-host Zhangjiakou in North China's Hebei province, connected by a new high-speed railway to be completed by the end of 2019. 分析 句子结构类、篇章理解类 本句在翻译时应先厘清句子主干,即“……北京冬奥会将使用……三个赛区的26个竞赛场馆和非竞赛场馆”。在翻译时可根据汉语句子语义重心常常在后,而英语句子语义重心往往在前的特点,将句尾的“三个赛区的26个竞赛场馆和非竞赛场馆”前置翻译,而其长长的修饰语部分“位于北京市区、北京西北部的延庆区和合办城市河北省张家口(的)”则后置翻译用以具体解释说明和平衡句子结构。另外,根据本文中第一、二句之间的语义逻辑关系,此处采取合并译法用现在分词短语将两句连接起来,可使译文表达更加简洁清晰。 2.国家游泳中心即“水立方”是2008年北京夏季奥运会的重要遗产之一。这里将举办2022年北京冬奥会的冰壶比赛。The Water Cube,or the National Aquatic Center, a key legacy of the Beijing 2008 Summer Olympics, will be turned into a competition arena for curling during the 2022 Games. 分析 句子结构类 本句如果直译为两个主谓结构的简单句也并无不可,如: “The National Aquatic Center,or the Water Cube,is a key legacy of the Beijing 2008 Summer Olympics. The curling competition will be held here during the 2022 Winter Olympic Games.” 但考虑到两句间的逻辑关系和语义重叠部分,也可将第一句译为主语的同位语,而将第二句作为译句的语义重心,这样两句合并为新的主谓宾结构,在句式和表达上则更符合英语句子重形合忌啰嗉的特点。 3.在晚间,冰链灯光闪动,成为灯光丝带,呈现出变幻莫测的灯光效果,形成一番壮观景象。At night,the facade will create an exciting spectacle,with each of the strands becoming dynamic ribbons of light, able to change to an endless array of lighting programs. 分析 句子结构类、语言措辞类 本句中,汉语原句的语义重心“壮观景象”在后,英译时应按照英语句子语义重心一般在前的特点,将其前置翻译。其他补充说明或是伴随状况,可通过介词短语,或分词短语,或不定式结构等多种措辞表达方式来进行适度意译,并放在句子后面。 4.在2022年冬奥会结束后,“冰丝带”将全年向业余滑冰者开放。公共滑冰场面积将达1万平方米,在冬奥会建筑遗产之外又增添了健身用途。The new speed skating oval will be able to serve amateur skaters in all seasons after 2022 with a 10,000-square-meter public rink,also a fitting addition to the architectural legacy of the Olympics. 分析 篇章理解类、句子结构类 本句小句较多,语义稍显零散,因此在翻译时可先根据前后句语义对汉语原句进行重组整合,以使该部分语义紧凑。如“在2022年冬奥会结束后,(公共滑冰场面积将达1万平方米的)‘冰丝带,将全年向业余滑冰者开放,在冬奥会建筑遗产之外又增添了健身用途",可译为“The new speed skating oval, with a 10,000-square-meter public rink, will be able to serve amateur skaters in all seasons after 2022, acting as a fitting addition to the architectural legacy of the Olympics”。其中,with 介宾短语位置可前可后,既可以译为主语的同位语进行补充说明,也可后置译为伴随状语。而最后一个句子既可译为名词短语作为补充说明,也可译为现在分词短语作伴随状语,或是译为“which”引导的非限制性定语从句用以对前句情况进行修饰性说明。
1.导入部分 讲解汉英词汇比较与翻译相关的知识点: (1)翻译中的选义、选词和多样性 (2)词法翻译的一般技巧 2.译文译前分析 学生小组对译文进行译前分析处理,教师提示难点和背景知识补充。 3.翻译实践 学生根据课堂任务进行翻译实践。 4.译后分析 教师引导学生分享翻译实践成果,进行译后分析,针对学生译文中出现的问题进行讲解,结合本次课的教学重难点,进一步讲解相关翻译策略技巧的运用。 5.反思总结 学生针对自身练习中出现的问题进行译后反思,总结归纳误译和漏译的地方,并进一步修改译文,提高译文质量。
翻译包括理解和表达两个过程要做好翻译,首先要对原文进行正确的理解,但汉语和英语中都普遍存在一词多义的现象,给理解和表达带来了很大的困难,本次课主要从翻译中的选义、选词和多样性等角度讲解了汉英词汇比较与翻译。此外,课堂中讲解了词法翻译的一般技巧,从对等译法,增词译法,减词译法,合并译法,转性译法,换形译法和褒贬译法等角度对词法翻译进行了梳理。本次课上学生听课态度认真端正,经过讲解后,学生在练习的过程中,能较好的结合课程中讲解的理论知识和翻译技巧进行翻译实践。但学生在减词译法部分遇到的困难较多,学生需注意省略可使译文用词不显得累赘臃肿,如果汉译英时一字不漏的照原文直译往往会使译文显得生硬累赘,而减词译法可使译文显得简洁流畅,省略的目的正是为了使译文更加符合英语的表达习惯和修辞特点。课堂对于学生遇到的这一难点进行了进一步的解释,并结合练习进行了巩固训练。 教学案例设计(3) 一、教学内容:文化词语的翻译 二、育人元素:译者素养、文化自信 三、翻译案例(原文及译文): 脍炙人口的传统京剧《白蛇传》讲的是传自明朝的故事。白蛇精与青蛇精化作美女来到人间。白蛇精与一位书生相爱并生一子。禅师法海认为他们的结合违反传统婚姻,伤风败俗。他气急败坏,于是他派神兵神将前来捉拿白蛇精,并将她镇压在一座塔下面。后来,青蛇精在深山中修炼,习武多年,终于砸烂了那座塔,救出白蛇精。至此,白蛇精与丈夫、儿子又得团聚。在《白》剧中,蛇被赋予了崇高的人性。 The White Snake, one of the most popular traditional Beijing operas, is based on a story handed down from Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). White Snake Spirit and Green Snake Spirit metamorphosed themselves into two beautiful girls and ventured into the human world. White Snake fell in love with a young scholar and gave birth to a son. Fahai, a Buddhist monk, regarded their union as a violation of the conventions regarding marriage and an example of moral degeneration. Much enraged, he sent officers and soldiers from the heaven, who captured White Snake, and using magical powers he himself incarcerated White Snake underneath a pagoda. For many years afterwards, Green Snake hid herself in deep mountains and gave herself rigorous spiritual and martial arts training. In the end she succeeded in toppling the pagoda and rescued her mistress. Now White Snake was reunited with her husband and son. The snake in the opera is endowed with the noble character of human nature.
1.导入部分 讲解文化词语翻译相关的知识点: (1)文化色彩的再现 (2)文化色彩的转变 (3)文化色彩的消失 2.译文译前分析 学生小组对译文进行译前分析处理,教师提示难点和背景知识补充。 3.翻译实践 学生根据课堂任务进行翻译实践。 4.译后分析 教师引导学生分享翻译实践成果,进行译后分析,针对学生译文中出现的问题进行讲解,结合本次课的教学重难点,进一步讲解相关翻译策略技巧的运用。 5.反思总结 学生针对自身练习中出现的问题进行译后反思,总结归纳误译和漏译的地方,并进一步修改译文,提高译文质量。
汉英两种语言中都拥有大量的文化词汇,这些文化词汇在各自的文化中具有特定的含义,而且大多数文化词汇都含有文化意象。为了实现词汇中文化色彩的再现,课堂引导学生认识到翻译中文化词语的现象和相应的翻译方法。引导学生运用直译法、直译加注法和音译法的方法来实现文化色彩的再现;通过转换形象法和灵活套译法来实现文化色彩的转变。本次课上学生听课态度认真端正,经过讲解后,学生在练习的过程中,能较好的结合课程中讲解的理论知识和翻译技巧进行翻译实践。但在实际教学中,对于如何把握文化色彩的消失这一部分内容,部分学生遇到了困难。教师逐步引导学生认识到部分文化词汇不免存在不可译性,导致原文词汇所蕴含的文化色彩消失,结合实例进行了讲解。 教学案例设计(4) 一、教学内容:汉英句子比较与翻译、换序和转态译法 二、育人元素:译者素养、文化自信 三、翻译案例(原文及译文): 当前,国际形势正发生深刻复杂变化。世界经济虽然继续保持增长,但受国际贸易投资低迷、单边主义、保护主义加剧等因素影响,呈现动能不足、增速放缓态势,同时不稳定性和不确定性还在上升,经贸摩擦日益增多。世界面临的和平赤字、发展赤字为我们全球治理体系改革提出了新的时代课题。国际争议解决是全球治理的重要方面,也是维护和平、促进发展的重要保障。联合国、世界贸易组织等国际机构都在积极探讨改革现有贸易投资争端解决机制。一个良好有效的争议解决机制,应该是有助于明是非、促和平、谋发展的。在争议解决问题上,中国始终以维护和平为宗旨,坚持平等相待、互商互谅,通过谈判对话解决分歧,主张国际规则由各国共同书写,维护以规则为基础的国际秩序。这也是新时代中国特色大国外交共建新型国际关系、构建人类命运共同体的重要组成部分。 词汇注释 单边主义 unilateralism 保护主义 protectionism 动能不足 with a weak momentum 经贸摩擦 economic and trade frictions 和平赤字 deficit in peace 全球治理体系the global governance system 争端解决机制dispute resolution mechanism 平等对待equal treatment 互商互谅 mutual accommodation 新型国际关系a new type of international relations 参考译文 The international situation is undergoing profound and complex changes.The world economy continues to grow.Yet it is slowing down with a weak momentum,due to the sluggish international trade and investment and the rising unilateralism and protectionism.At the same time,destabilizing factors and uncertainties are still on the rise,and economic and trade frictions keep emerging.The world is facing deficits in peace and in development,which pose new challenges to our endeavor of reforming the global governance system.International dispute resolution is an important aspect of global governance that provides powerful safeguard for maintaining peace and promoting development.International institutions such as the United Nations and the World Trade Organization are actively exploring reforms to the existing trade and investment dispute resolution mechanisms.A good and effective dispute resolution mechanism should help people tell right from wrong,and promote peace and development.On this issue,China always adheres to the purpose of maintaining peace,and seeks to resolve differences through negotiations and dialogue on the basis of equal treatment and mutual accommodation.We believe that the international rules should be jointly written by all countries,and we uphold the rules-based international order.This is also an important component of China's missions under its major country diplomacy in the new era to jointly develop a new type of international relations and build a community of shared future for the mankind. 重点解析
The world economy continues to grow.Yet it is slowing down with a weak momentum,due to the sluggish international trade and investment and the rising unilateralism and protectionism.At the same time,destabilizing factors and uncertainties are still on the rise,and economic and trade frictions keep emerging. 分析 句子结构类 本句句式较长且包含众多信息,对于此类复杂汉语句子,翻译前应先根据上下文语义信息厘清句子层次和主谓结构,即:世界经济…保持增长;但受……影响,(世界经济)呈现……;同时不稳定性和不确定性还在上升,经贸摩擦日益增多。因此,可以将整句分为三层,其中前两层的主语都是“世界经济”,既可以翻译在,为一整句,比如“The world economy continues to grow,but it is slowing down with due to...",也可以将其分为两个整句,以避免句子过长难以理解。另外,该部分在翻译时还要注意原因状语的位置。第三层次中的主语分别为“不稳定性和不确定性”以及“经贸摩擦”,译为and连接的并列主谓结构即可。
分析增词减词类、句子结构类 本句在翻译时,可按照顺句译法将整句译为主谓宾结构的简单句“国际争议解决是……重要方面,也是…重要保障",即"International dispute resolution is an important aspect of global governance and a powerful safeguard for maintaining peace and promoting development"。考虑到“重要方面”和“重要保障”作为汉语原句中的并列宾语,都是用来解释和强调主语“国际争议解决”,因此,此处也可为第二个宾语增译谓语动词“provide”(提供),并将该动宾结构译为定语从句,来修饰主语“国际争议解决”,以凸显主语的重要性,也能增加英语句型表达的多样性。
International institutions such as the United Nations and the World Trade Organizationare actively exploring reforms to the existing trade and investment dispute resolution mechanisms. 分析词性转换类 本句中的主谓宾结构非常清晰,翻译时可采取多种灵活方式,比如可译为宾语从句“International institutions such as...are actively exploring how to reform the existing...mechanisms”。还可采取转换词性的译法,选用"reform”一词的名词形式,搭配介词“to",译为“对厖的改革”。
A good and effective dispute resolution mechanism should help people tell right from wrong,and promote peace and development. 分析篇章理解类 本句的翻译难点在于三个并列三字格短语,即“明是非、促和平、谋发展”,翻译时可翻译为三个并列动宾短语如"tell right from wrong,promote/pursue peace and seek/promote development",也可根据上下文语义理解,“促”和“谋”存在一定的语义重叠,因此可将后两个动宾短语采取合并译法,译为"promote peace and development",以避免英语译文中的用词或语义重复。需要提及的是,本句在“明 是非”前增译了其逻辑上的施动主语"people”,即“(人/人们)明是非”,使译文逻辑更加严密、表述更为严谨。
On this issue,China always adheres to the purpose of maintaining peace,and seeks to resolve differences through negotiations and dialogue on the basis of equal treatment and mutual accommodation. We believe that the international rules should be jointly written by all countries,and we uphold the rules-based international order. 分析 句子结构类、语言措辞类 本句句式较长且信息较多,针对这类汉语复杂句式,翻译时首先应厘清句子的主干信息,即“…中国以……为宗旨,坚持……,……解决分歧,主张……,维护……”。不过,这类复杂句式若按照这样的主谓宾结构顺句直译为一整句,那么英语译文势必会变得过于冗长单调。因此,根据上下文语义,此处可采取断句译法,将最后两个动宾短语即“主张国际规则……,维护……的国际序”拆分出来单独翻译。而前面的几个小句,既可翻译为并列的动宾结构如"...China always adheres to...,pursue/stick to equal treatment and mutual accommodation,and seeks to resolve differences through negotiations and dialogue",也可根据上下文语义和逻辑,将这其中的后两个动宾短语译为"...seeks to resolve differences through...on the basis of equal treatment and mutual accommodation",以凸显二者间的先后逻辑关系,这样在语言表述上则使译文更加严谨。
1.导入部分 讲解汉英句子比较与翻译、换序和转态译法相关的知识点: (1)汉英句子比较 (2)换序译法 (3)转态译法 2.译文译前分析 学生小组对译文进行译前分析处理,教师提示难点和背景知识补充。 3.翻译实践 学生根据课堂任务进行翻译实践。 4.译后分析 教师引导学生分享翻译实践成果,进行译后分析,针对学生译文中出现的问题进行讲解,结合本次课的教学重难点,进一步讲解相关翻译策略技巧的运用。 5.反思总结 学生针对自身练习中出现的问题进行译后反思,总结归纳误译和漏译的地方,并进一步修改译文,提高译文质量。
课堂首先讲解了汉英句子比较与翻译的相关知识点,从意合与形合、句子成分分析和句子逻辑等角度讲解了汉英句子中存在的差别。随后课程重点讲解了换序译法和转态译法,详细解释了主语换序、谓语换序、宾语换序、定语换序和状语换序等翻译思路,结合课程练习,巩固了相关的翻译技巧。本次课上学生听课态度认真端正,经过讲解后,学生在练习的过程中,能较好的结合课程中讲解的理论知识和翻译技巧进行翻译实践。但学生在应对复杂换序的情况时还不够熟练。课堂进一步引导学生认识到做翻译时遇到的句子常常是多种成分并存或者相互交叉,所以对于句子中较长或者较复杂的成分,要认真复分析各成分间的关系,然后在译文中作出相应的调整。课程对于学生遇到的这一难点进行了进一步的解释,并结合练习进行了巩固训练。 教学案例设计(5) 一、教学内容:汉英语篇比较与翻译 二、育人元素:译者素养、职业意识和现代翻译观 三、翻译案例(原文及译文): Looking around the world, we also see more and more governments, cities and businesses understanding that climate solutions are wise investments in an equitable, prosperous and sustainable future. And we now, looking ahead,are aware that at least 75 percent of the infrastructure our world will need by the year 2050 has yet to be built.So we have a unique opportunity to build a new generation of climate resilient and people-centred cities and transit systems, andenergy grids that prioritize low emissions and sustainability.But that will require an urgent transformation in how we build our societies, power our cities and invest in our economies. The choices we make now are essential to put us on a low-carbon growth path that is sustainable and inclusive and will build resilience. In the context I have just described, we absolutely need to come together and achieve two central objectives: first, a quantum leap in the mobilization of resources available for the developing world to implement the Sustainable Development Goals; and second, the capacity to stop runaway climate change. That is why I am convening a Climate Action Summit in New York on September23, together with four other summit meetings during the High-Level week of the UN General Assembly in September, covering different developments-related strategies and that will set the course for full implementation of the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals. We must reimagine and rebuild our world in a way that works for everyone,brings women into the leadership of the economy of the future and expands the opportunities for young people. I am telling leaders, do not come to the summits with speeches-come with credible and ambitious plans.Now, it is in this context that the Belt and Road Initiative assumes remarkable and urgent importance.With the scale of its planned investments, it offers ameaningful opportunity to contribute to the creation of a more equitable, prosperous world for all, and to reversing the negative impact of climate change. In moving forward, I would point to three very important opportunities that can be seized. First, the world will benefit from the Belt and Road Initiative that accelerates efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.The five pillars of the Belt and Road-policy coordination,facilities connectivity,unimpeded trade,financial integration,and people-to-people exchanges--are intrinsically linked to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.These are conceptual pillars that can be translated into real-life progress for all people.United Nations country teams stand ready to support Member States in capacity and governance building, and in achieving a harmonious and sustainable integration of the Belt and Road projects in their own economies and societies in accordance with national development plans, anchored in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Second, the world needs to take profit of the Belt and Road Initiative to help close significant financing gaps for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, especially in the developing world, in particular, the need for about $1 trillion needed for infrastructure investments in developing countries.This underlines the importance of economic growth that can generate inclusive, sustainable and durable social and environmental gains. Third, I see the Belt and Road Initiative as an important space where green principles can be reflected in green action.Countries today not only require the physical roads and bridges to connect people and markets; they need roads and bridges from the unsustainable, fossil-fuelled grey economy to a clean, green, low-carbon energy future.Fully expanding our policy options for green and sustainable development and backed by green financing instruments must become the new norm. In these areas and more, the United Nations is poised to support the alignment of the Belt and Road Initiative with the Sustainable Development Goals, to share knowledge, and to make the most of the opportunities of this large-scale initiative for maximum sustainable development dividends.Let us work together to restore trust by making good on the shared promise of the 2030 Agenda and our common commitment to leave no one behind. anchor 以为基础 a quantum leap 巨大的飞跃 conceptual pillars 支柱概念 facilities connectivity 设施联通 financial integration 金融一体化 people-to-people exchanges 人文交流 policy coordination 政策协调 the Belt and Road Initiative“一带一路”倡议 the Sustainable Development Goals 可持续发展目标 unimpeded trade 贸易通畅 参考译文 环顾世界,我们也看到越来越多的政府、城市和企业认识到气候解决方案是实现公平、繁荣和可持续未来的明智投资。 展望未来,到2050年,世界所需的基础设施至少还有75%尚需建设。因此,我们的独特机遇是,可以建立新一代具有气候适应力且以人为本的城市和交通系统,以及优先考虑低排放和可持续性的能源网。但这急需我们在建设社会、为城市供电和投资经济方面进行转变。我们现在所做的选择至关重要,它将引领我们走向可持续和包容的低碳增长道路,并将有助于恢复活力。 如我前面所述,世界各国务必团结在一起,来共同实现两个核心目标:第一,在为发展中国家调动可用资源方面实现巨大飞跃,以帮助其实现可持续发展目标;第二,增强阻止气候变化失控的能力。 这就是为什么我将于9月23日在纽约召开气候行动峰会,以及9月在联合国大会高级别会议期间举行其他四次首脑会议,来讨论与发展有关的各种不同战略,从而为全面执行《巴黎协定》和可持续发展目标做好准备。 我们必须重新设想和构建我们的世界,以使人人都能受益,使妇女进入未来经济的领导层,并拓展年轻人们的机会。 我想告诉各国领导,不要只是来参加峰会发表演说——而是要带来可信且宏大的计划。在现有大背景下,“一带一路”倡议具有显著而又紧迫的重要性。按照其计划投资的规模,“一带一路”倡议提供了一个有意义的机会,有助于为大众创造一个更加公平、繁荣的世界,并扭转气候变化的负面影响。展望未来,我认为我们可以抓住三个非常重要的机会。 第一,“一带一路”倡议将加快实现可持续发展目标,而世界将从中受益。“一带一路”的“五通”——政策沟通、设施联通、贸易畅通、资金融通、民心相通——与17个可持续发展目标有着内在联系。这些支柱概念会转变为所有人现实生活中的进步。联合国国家工作队随时准备支持会员国进行能力和治理建设,并根据以《2030年可持续发展议程》为基础的国家发展计划,将“一带一路”项目和谐、可持续地融入本国经济和社会。 第二,世界需要利用“一带一路”倡议的效益来帮助缩小实现可持续发展目标的巨大资金缺口,特别是在发展中国家,其基础设施的投资需要大约1万亿美元。这强调了经济增长的重要性,因为其能够产生包容、可持续且持久的社会和环境收益。 第三,我认为“一带一路”倡议还提供了重要空间,从而使绿色原则可以在绿色行动中得到体现。当今世界各国不仅需要有形的道路和桥梁来连接人与市。剐枰扌蔚姆椒ê屯揪独创硬豢沙中幕剂匣疑霉傻角褰、绿色、低碳的能源未来。充分扩大我们的绿色及可持续发展的政策选择,并得到绿色融资工具的支持,必将成为新的规范。在这三个以及更多领域,联合国将支持“一带一路”倡议与可持续发展目标保持一致,分享知识,并最大限度利用这一大规模举措,来获取可持续发展的最大红利。让我们共同努力,通过兑现《2030年议程》和“不让任何一个人掉队”的共同承诺来恢复信任。 重点解析
分析 词性转换类 本句虽然句式结构简单、句子主干信息明确,但如果顺句直译,将句子最后的宾语从句 “...thatclimate solutions are wise investments in an equitable, prosperous and sustainable future” 译为“气候解决方案在公平、繁荣和可持续的未来是明智投资”,则不仅表述啰嗉,且逻辑不通,因此可将介词部分 “in...future”转译为动词“实现……未来”,并充当“明智投资”的定语成分,以更好地表词达意,并使逻辑顺畅。
分析句子结构类 本句中的不定式短语 “to build..., and..”作为定语成分,用来修饰说明 “opportunity”一词,但由于其句式过长,英译汉时就不能按照汉语表述习惯将其作为定语前置翻译。针对此类情况,比较常见的策略是将整句拆分,此处即拆分为 “..we have a unique opportunity” “(we can) build..., and...”, 这样才能使译文表述更为清晰顺畅。
分析 句子结构类 本句在翻译时,有三处需要注意或调整句子结构,或为了表述习惯进行适当意译,即:The choices...are essential; (the choices)put us on...path that is...; (the choices) will build resilience。第一处考虑到整句过长,可采取断句译法,拆分出来单独翻译;第二处如果直译为“将我们放在……的道路上”,则不符合汉语表达习惯,因此“put...on a...path”可意译为“引领…走向 道路”;第三处同样地,为表述方便可,拆分为动宾结构,单独译为“(有助于)恢复”,并跟前面的“引领”形成并列谓语部分。
分析 词性转换类 本句如果按照汉语表达习惯,将英语原句中的后置状语前置直译为“联合国国家工作队随时准备在能力和治理建设方面,和在实现……的和谐、可持续融合方面支持会员国”,则整句不仅会变得头重脚轻,而且在表达上也稍显啰嚓拗口。因此,此处可采取词性转换的方法,将 “in capacity and governance building” 中的介词译为动词“进行”,将 “in achieving a...integration of...” 中 “in achieving” 和“integration”进行信息合并,译为动词“将……融入”,即将英语原句中“in”引导的两个并列状语部分通过词性转换译为并列谓语部分,从而使汉语译句表述清晰、结构整齐。
分析 句子结构类 本句中的定语从句部分明显过长,且定语从句中又同时包含两个层次的并列形容词结构作定语,即 “inclusive,sustainable and durable” “social and environmental” 这两个层次,因此,此处如果直译为“这强调/说明了能够产生……的经济增长的重要性”,很显然是行不通的。想要使汉语译句清晰顺畅,此处可将英语原句拆分为两个小句,即 “This underlines the importance of economic growth” “(the economic growth) can generate inclusive,sustainable and durable social and environmental gains”,并增译“因为”来连接两个小句以凸显其间的因果逻辑关系。
分析 语言措辞类、句子结构类 本句如果直译为“我把……看作绿色原则能够……的重要空间”,则显得生硬抛口,因此翻译时可在语言表述和句子结构上稍作调整,比如 “see...as”也可译为“认 从为……是/提供了……”,“where”引导的定语从句可拆分出来译为结果状语“从而使…得到/得以体现”。
分析 语言措辞类 本句中的 “physical roads and bridges” 和 “roads and bridges from...to...”表达了一种相对概念,前者可直译为“有形的道路和桥梁”,而后者则根据上下文语义理解,可选择增译“无形的”,并将 “roads and bridges”意译为“方法和途径”,以保持与前句中 “physical roads and bridges” 的对应效果。此处也可以省译后句中的 “roads and bridges”,直接译出该小句中的重要信息“还需要从……过渡到……”,只是这样在对比和呼应的效果上就相对弱了些。 四、教学过程: 1.导入部分 讲解汉英语篇比较与翻译相关的知识点: (1)衔接的翻译 (2)连贯的翻译 2.译文译前分析 学生小组对译文进行译前分析处理,教师提示难点和背景知识补充。 3.翻译实践 学生根据课堂任务进行翻译实践。 4.译后分析 教师引导学生分享翻译实践成果,进行译后分析,针对学生译文中出现的问题进行讲解,结合本次课的教学重难点,进一步讲解相关翻译策略技巧的运用。 5.反思总结 学生针对自身练习中出现的问题进行译后反思,总结归纳误译和漏译的地方,并进一步修改译文,提高译文质量。 六、教学总结: 本次课主要讲解了汉英语篇比较与翻译。译文行文流畅达意是对译者的基本要求之一,而要达到这一要求,译文语句间的衔接是关键之一。课上主要谈及代词使用对行文连贯的影响,英语中代词使用频率比汉语高,连接词用的比汉语多,翻译时应注意英汉的这一区别,顺应英文的行文习惯。此外,语义连贯是构成话语的重要标志,译者只有理解句内、句间和段间关系并加以充分理解,才能传达原作的意思和功能。本次课上学生听课态度认真端正,经过讲解后,学生在练习的过程中,能较好的结合课程中讲解的理论知识和翻译技巧进行翻译实践。但学生因受母语影响,在汉译英的过程中,代词的使用上出现了较多错误。课程对于学生遇到的这一难点进行了进一步的解释,并结合练习进行了巩固训练。 教学案例设计(6) 一、教学内容:风格与翻译 二、育人元素:译者素养、职业意识、语言美育和现代翻译观 三、翻译案例(原文及译文): 得病以前,我受父母宠爱,在家中横行霸道,一旦隔离,拘禁在花园山坡上一幢小房子里,我顿感打入冷宫,十分郁郁不得志起来。一个春天的傍晚,园中百花怒放,父母在园中设宴,一时宾客云集,笑语四溢。我在山坡的小屋里,悄悄掀起窗帘,窥见园中大千世界,一片繁华,自己的哥姐,堂表弟兄,也穿插其间,个个喜气洋洋。一霎时,一阵被人摒弃,为世所遗的悲愤兜上心头,禁不住痛哭起来。 Before I fell ill, I had been the bully under our roofs owing to my doting parents. Feeling like being deposed into a cold palace, I began to taste the bitterness of depression and frustration immediately after I was segregated and confined in a small house on a hillside in our garden. On a spring evening, my parents gave a banquet in the garden where a profusion of flowers were in full bloom. In no time, a crowd of their guests collected and laughter was heard all over there. I, without being noticed, lifted the curtain in my small room, only to spy the bustle of a kaleidoscopic world down in the garden, and my elder sisters, brothers and my cousins, each full of the joys of spring, were shuttling among the guests. Quickly enough, I was thrown into a fist of sorrowful anger at being forgotten and discarded by the rest and could not help crying my heart out. 解析: 1.得病以前,我受父母宠爱,在家中横行霸道。 学生译文(以下简称“学译”):Before the illness, I was much petted by parents, doing everything at will in the home. 学译:Before I became ill, I have received all the favor of my parents, just like a little tyrant at home. 参考译文:Before I fell ill, I had been the bully under our roofs owing to my doting parents. 我们知道,汉语表达大多为“意合”结构,结构松散,以一个一个看似并列的短句拼凑而成,彼此逻辑关系不明显;但英语则不同于汉语,它是形合语言,非常讲究句子内部的逻辑关系的“外化”,所谓“外化”,即使用Connectives来表现其逻辑关系。我国译界有一个著名比喻:汉语句子的结构像”竹竿“,是一节接一节的;而英语句子则像“葡萄”,主干很短,而“挂”在上面的附加成分则很多。可以说,汉译英的过程,是一个由“竹竿”向“葡萄”转换的过程。首先要确定“一节接一节”的汉语句子,选其中的哪一节为英句的“(葡萄)主干”。 上面的汉语原句就含有一定的逻辑关系。“受父母宠爱”是因,而“在家中横行霸道”则是果。“果”应是句的重心,英译上句,“(葡萄)主干” 当选定“在家中横行霸道”而非学生译文所选的“我受父母宠爱”。 2.一旦隔离,拘禁在花园山坡上一幢小房子里,我顿感打入冷宫,十分郁郁不得志起来。 学译:When isolated and taken into custody in a small house on the hillside of our garden, I felt like I was abandoned, getting more and more depressed. 学译:As soon as I was kept apart in a small flat built on the hillside in the garden, I suddenly felt being consigned to limbo, gloomily and disappointedly. 参考译文:Feeling like being deposed into a cold palace, I began to taste the bitterness of depression and frustration immediately after I was segregated and confined in a small house on a hillside in our garden. 汉语原句有“四节”,哪一部分应该成为英句之主干?“我顿感打入冷宫”,还是“十分郁郁不得志起来”?学译都把“我顿感打入冷宫”处理为“主干”,而参考译文则反其道而行之。细细分析,“十分郁郁不得志起来” 和“我顿感打入冷宫”,两者也有主次关系。显然,“十分郁郁不得志起来” 为主,“我顿感打入冷宫” 为次。两者之间,不仅存在时间先后的顺序,而且还存在着逻辑上的“因果”。因此参考译文处理得当。另一个值得参考之处在于:“主干”(I began to taste the bitterness of depression and frustration)的前后均有附加成分,句子显出“平衡美”。 3. 一个春天的傍晚,园中百花怒放,父母在园中设宴,一时宾客云集,笑语四溢。 学译:At one dusk in spring, flowers were blooming wildly in the garden, my parents were holding a banquet, in which guests were gathering, laughters could be heard everywhere. 学译:On a spring evening, hundreds of flowers were in full bloom in the garden where my parents hosted a banquet. For a while, guests gathered in large number, laughing and talking, which could be heard clearly. 参考译文:On a spring evening, my parents gave a banquet in the garden where a profusion of flowers were in full bloom. In no time, a crowd of their guests collected and laughter was heard all over there. 汉语原句的“节数”增加到“五节”。译成英语,仍应确定正确的“主干”,两个“学译”不谋而合,将“园中百花怒放”,而不是“父母在园中设宴” 作为主干来处理。读来,给人一种观比萨斜塔的感觉。相比之下,参考译文则给人一种美感,散发出浓郁的英语味。原因很简单,参考译文选对了英译之“主干” (my parents gave a banquet in the garden)。另外一个值得记取的经验是:汉语原句出现了一个句号,因此80%左右的学生译文,也亦步亦趋硬性译成了一句,以上两句“学译”也不例外。复观参考译文我们发现,被处理成两句后从容之中多了些干练。 4. 我在山坡的小屋里,悄悄掀起窗帘,窥见园中大千世界,一片繁华,自己的哥姐,堂表弟兄,也穿插其间,个个喜气洋洋。 学译:I stayed in the small flat on the hillside, quietly opened the curtain, caught glimpse of the world in the garden, it was so flourishing:my brothers and sisters, male cousins, were coming and going through, everyone looked pleasant. 学译:In the small cottage on the hillside, secretly I opened the curtain to see the prosperity of the big world in the garden. All of them were delighted, including my brothers, my sisters, and my cousins. 参考译文:I, without being noticed, lifted the curtain in my small room, only to spy the bustle of a kaleidoscopic world down in the garden, and my elder sisters, brothers and my cousins, each full of the joys of spring, were shuttling among the guests. 汉语原句的“节数”有了空前的增加:八节。面对如此长的“竹竿句”,学译显得有点“技穷”,无奈之下,以上两句学译便依样画葫芦,照汉语原文的感觉走,见一句就译一句,不考虑“节”间关系,不分析时间先后和逻辑内涵。第二句学译甚至没有弄清“自己的哥姐,堂表弟兄”和“个个喜气洋洋”之间的关系,不明白 “个个喜气洋洋”指的就是“自己的哥姐,堂表弟兄”,而错把All of them were delighted当作“主干”,而把my brothers, my sisters,and my cousins 用including 作为其中包含的成员处理。复观参考译文,发现译者在落下译笔之前,对原句的逻辑梳理非常到位,因此确定主干也极为果断。“悄悄掀起窗帘”、“也穿插其间”分别作了“主干”,英译就站稳了脚跟。特别值得一提的是,译者在第一个“主干” (lifted the curtain in my small room)之后,用了一个动词不定式短语,表示结果,在这个动词不定式短语前添加了一个副词only,译文顿时生色。这说明,除了经过逻辑分析确定“主干”之外,能活用所掌握的词汇,也极为重要。我们初学英语之时,就已经学到:only to是一个很有感情色彩的表达,其含义是:不料竟会……;没想到会……。 5. 一霎时,一阵被人摒弃,为世所遗的悲愤兜上心头,禁不住痛哭起来。 学译:It was so quick that I felt being deserted by people and by the whole world, bursting into tears. 学译:I couldn‘t help crying bitter, with a feeing of being abandoned by others flooded in my heart at that moment. 参考译文:Quickly enough, I was thrown into a fist of sorrowful anger at being forgotten and discarded by the rest and could not help crying my heart out. 汉语原句的“节数”有四节。若对句中的后两节略作分析,不难发现 “悲愤兜上心头” 和 “禁不住痛哭起来” 之间是一种先后关系,也略带因果关系,但总的来说,两个短语所占分量大致相同所以处理时,以使用并列句为好,没有要强调主次。学译分别把 “悲愤兜上心头” 和 “禁不住痛哭起来” 作为主语,另一个短句作为修饰成分,但读起来感觉分句不是太简略就是太冗长。而参考译文的并列处理则摆平了这两个短句,读起来通顺流畅。所以,在选定“主干”时,也应当避免形而上学的思维,选择主句的同时,还要深入分析以下句间真正的关系所在,在并列或先后关系的句子中,也不能强行设立一个“主干”,而弄巧成拙。
1.导入部分 讲解翻译风格相关的知识点:
学生针对自身练习中出现的问题进行译后反思,总结归纳误译和漏译的地方,并进一步修改译文,提高译文质量。 五、教学总结: 本次课主要讲解了风格与翻译的相关知识点,引导学生对比原文风格与译文风格,这就需要学生对原文的风格进行一个很好的研究,通过课堂的实例分析讲解了风格可译论和风格不可译论,译者的隐形和译者的显形,并进一步延伸至译者风格的赏析,并引入了对张培基翻译风格和许渊冲翻译风格的赏析,引导学生通过小组合作的形式讨论理解译者在翻译过程中所表现出来的创作个性,其所遵循的翻译标准使用的翻译方法和译文语言运用技巧。本次课上学生听课态度认真端正,经过讲解后,学生在练习的过程中,能较好的结合课程中讲解的理论知识和翻译技巧进行翻译实践。学生第一次接触译文风格的赏析讨论的过程中,在讨论的初期遇到了比较多的困难,经教师的示例讲解过后,学生对于如何做译者风格赏析有了了解,后续讨论的过程开展的较为顺利。 教学案例设计(7) 一、教学内容:定语从句汉译英 二、育人元素:通过仔细观察原文,分析原文逻辑,进行语言重构,培养学生积极联想,主动思辨,培养学生勇于解决问题、独立开展思考的能力。 三、翻译案例(原文及译文): 在杭州,您可以饱览西湖的秀色,也不妨漫步街头闹市,品尝一下杭州的名菜名点,还可以购上几样土特名产。 分析:文中隐含地点状语,原句可以理解为也不妨漫步街头闹市,(在街头闹市)品尝一下杭州的名菜名点,还可以购上几样土特名产。这样思考之后,可以激发学生对于定语从句的联想,从而产出译文。 In Hangzhou, in addition to feasting your eyes on the West Lake, you can take a stroll in the down town areas where you can sweeten your palates in Hangzhou’s famous restaurants and buy some special local products. 四、教学过程:通过启发,问答,头脑风暴,拓宽学生的思考过程。 五、教学总结:在教学过程中,一定要提供学习支架,多和学生总结,提炼,将思考过程路径化,方便学生获取知识。 教学案例设计(8) 一、教学内容:翻译中的理解和表达 二、育人元素:通过识别语言中的常规和变异,进行回避法或者情景法的翻译尝试,让学生培养观察能力,积极联想和尝试,从而培养学生的学习主动性,通过小组讨论,培养学生的团队精神和合作共赢的理念。 三、翻译案例(原文及译文): Such a chance was denied me. 译一:我没有得到这样的机会。 译二:这样的好事哪有我的份。 四、教学过程:提醒学生关注本句的语言异常现象;先知道常规,再知道变异,特别关注变异。 比如:主动语态是常规,被动语态是变异; 陈述句是常规,倒装句是变异; 不押韵是常规, 押韵是变异; 本原句有倒装现象,翻译时考虑到这点,从而产出译文如二。 五、教学总结:好的翻译来自于准确的理解,语言的理解中,不但要关注内容,有时候形式也要关注到。 教学案例设计(9) 一、教学内容:语言的形合和意合 二、育人元素: 通过对比英汉语言差异,尤其是565体育形合和意合的差异,了解语言、文化对于翻译和跨文化沟通之间的紧密联系,树立文化自信。 三、翻译案例(原文及译文): 乡村旅游受到游客们的欢迎。他们能够体验生活,品尝家制的食品,在自然的环境中好好放松一下。 A trip to countryside is welcomed by / is popular with tourists because/ as they can experience country life, savor/enjoy/ taste home made foods and have a good relaxation in natural surroundings. 四、教学过程:提醒同学们汉语是意合的语言,英语是形合的语言,考虑到汉语的连接手段比较隐性,英语的连接手段比较显性。汉译英时,往往要将连接手段显化。提醒同学们在构句过程中要善于发现原文的潜在逻辑。 五、教学总结:一定要了解学生能做到什么,不能做到什么,然后相应的提供协助。 教学案例设计(10) 一、教学内容:就业季学生简历翻译 二、育人元素:通过补充学生简历常用语和招工启事翻译,督促学生要培养职场素养、团队合作、勇于思考问题、分析问题、解决问题的能力,从而获得良好的职业发展。 三、翻译案例(原文及译文): Your Qualifications: - Bachelor/Master in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering or similar - Preferably with initial work experience in the automotive industry - Structured, systematical and analytical working attitude - Strong communication skills and a high ability to work in a multi-cultural team - Willingness to travel regarding the participation in technical meetings and the coordination with Germany - Language skills: Mandarin (mother tongue or equivalent proficiency), English (advanced) and German (advanced) 职位要求: 具有计算机或者电子工程或者相关565体育学士学位或者硕士学位在自动化行业有工作经验者优先 工作条理性强,善于分析问题,有极强的系统管理能力,善于沟通,能与不同文化背景的组员合作愉快。 能够经常出差,能出席外地技术会议和或者去外地与德国合作方合作 语言技能: 普通话(母语或者相当于母语水平)英语精通,德语精通。 四、教学过程:整理职业素养词汇,提醒同学们运用到就业招聘中。同时,提醒同学们,在翻译的过程中,考虑文本对象和文风,进行恰当表达。 五、教学总结:翻译过程中,准确理解,恰当表达很重要。恰当表达指的是考虑文风、考虑读者需要、考虑表达目的等,进行恰当选择措辞,合理表达。 |